Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Truth About My Other Pie Blog and a Story

Really, I don't like ketchup with cherry pie. And I don't like mustard or anchovies with apple pie. And I really don't like nines with eights pie, and I don't like twos with ones pie, or fives with fours pie or threes with twos pie.

And the reason I don't like gluey pie is because gluey pie glues my tongue to the roof of my mouth or the bottom of my mouth. Or someimes to the roof and then the bottom, or the bottom then the roof - it is really a pattern you know. Roof Roof Bottom Bottom - you know what I mean?

Now I will tell you a story about the mural that I am looking at as I write this in the library. We are in Hood River, Oregon. We are here because one of my Grandpas lives here and we are visiting him. We are living in a house just down the street from his and it feels like we are neighbors - that is because are neighbors.

The house we are staying in is a good house. It has three floors if you include the really spooky basement and four if you include the attic, but we cannot get into the attic. All I know about the attic is there is a string hanging from a closet that should pull down but it doesn't.

Now, here comes the story. It is 100% fiction. That means fake.

Once upon a time an iguana took a bite out of a leaf from a weeping willow tree. The iguana started to grow and magically turned into a lovely flamingo that was a beautiful shade of bright pink. The flamingo's name was Sparky and he wore a purple braclet on one foot and green beads on the other.

Well, that flamingo decided to take a little walk and there as he walked he saw a monkey sitting on a red and blue stripped bench. The monkey was green with a blue face and he seemed to be playing the trumpet and Sparky didn't want to disturb him so he walked on. He walked for about 15 minutes and then he saw a lion.

Standing on the lions back was a penguine holding an umbrella. "How interesting", thought the flamingo. "I shall go talk to them and see if I can join in their fun."

So Sparky walked over to them and asked what they were doing.

The lion said they were having some fun and playing around, the Flamingo asked if he could join in and the lion said, "Sure, but please be quiet. There is a human asleep beside us, and we don't want to wake him because we are kind animals are we don't want to disturb other creatures."

"Oh goodness," said Sparky. "I don't think I will be able to be quiet"

Editors Note: Did I mention that Sparky the Flamingo happens to be the very noisy one?

The lion said, "Oh no, please don't go. You always have much more fun when there are more people and animals to play with."

"Oh, you are right." said the Flamingo because Sparky thought the same way.

But then the Flamingo said, "You have to understand lion, that I am very noisy and I am afraid I cannot be quiet."

"That is sad," said the Lion. "Perhaps you can come back tomorrow if you can be a little more quiet, for the human might be awake then. The human might even be able to play with us."

"Alright," said Sparky sounding a little happier.

Then the Flamingo continued his walk and saw a tiny little lady bug who seemed to be resting. He didn't want to disturb it so he continued walking and came to a lake.

In the lake there was a turtle, a whale, a person with a surfboard and a pink and purple sea monster with big bulgy eyes, a twisted tail and a big belly...


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