Sunday, April 19, 2009

My First Sleep-over

Last night I had my first sleep-over at the house of someone who isn't related to me!

I only found out that we were having a sleep over that day. I was excited. I was not scared at all. He is in my class at school. I had a lot of fun, and had chocolate crepes for breakfast - I ate 6 but they were really small. And I met my friend's mom's boyfriend.

My friend and I slept in two different beds in the same room and I slept in my new sleeping bag that I got from Santa, it is red. We stayed up until about 11 o'clock talking - but I forgot what we were talking about. We also ate hot dogs for dinner. I like my hotdogs with ketchup in a bun.

We played on the computer, television and wii alot. Nothing could have made it better - only if the crepes were bigger.

I hope that I have another sleep over sometime soon.

What will happen next time in my blog? Find out on Tuesday.