Thursday, December 10, 2009

Things I am looking for in my life...

A dog to play with and tell my secrets to and a big garden for it to run around in and play.

My own room painted green.

A big house in a town with a YMCA that has a swimming pool and a climbing wall.

Our new house has to be within 5 miles of a natural history museum with dinosaurs in it.

A house big enough to get lost in.

It must be a nice house with two staircases to the top.

4 floors including the basement, a porch and a balcony.

And it has to be in a place with sunny summers and snowy winters.

The view from my window must be of the back garden where I can look and see my tree house that is up in an actual tree with little wooden planks to climb up into it.

The public library has to be big. And friendly. From the outside it has to look cosy - where you just walk in and sit down with a book and read. And comfortable chairs - yes, a very important place.

A library with a big fountain in front of it but you cannot go in during the summer time.

And we have to go to a good school where we can make lots of friends very easily. I don't know about you, but I like having lots of friends so I can play because I like playing. I like to play all sorts of things like pin the tail on the donkey, or hide and go seek - classical things like that.

I have to have a nice teacher at my new school - as nice as my teacher this year.

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