Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Go Dog Go - A Book Review

Go Dog Do – A Book Review

I liked this book because it is just sort of fun to read it again because I read it when I was much younger and just learning how to read – so now it just felt good reading it again. I remember reading it in front of a fire on Christmas Eve at our old house in London. I think it was our first Christmas there.

The kind of words that use to give me trouble were “three” – because it looks like it should be pronounced “Ta” “Ha” “Ree” – which isn’t a real word. And the word “Night” because it looks like it should be pronounced “ni” “ga” “ta”.

I also think the pictures are quite funny – especially the one on Page 60, 61 and 62. The picture on 62 is of a funky and interesting party hat that a pink poodle is wearing. I think the poodle is trying to impress another dog and is also on the way to a fun dog party.

The pink poodle is a girl because it said “a girl dog” not because it is a pink poodle because I don’t think there are specific boy and girl colors. However, I do think girls tend to like pink more than boys. Sometimes I wear pink. I have a shirt with pink in it – a tie dyed pink shirt from Ben and Jerry’s that says “I Tied it. I Dyed it . I Buyed it.”

The reappearing “Do you like my hat” is funny and interesting because the pink poodle is always trying to impress the dog – and finally she does impress him. And sometimes in our family I ask them, “Do you like my hat?” but that is usually when I am in my parrot hat. I am referencing Go Dogs Go when I ask them that.

Mainly I like the picture of the dog party because it looks like a fun and silly time. I believe there are some dogs playing tennis, some are bouncing up and down on a trampoline, one is being blown out of a cannon, opening presents, hanging from a swing, jump roping. If I was in the picture I would like to be shot out of a cannon and end up having gone all around the world and back to the tree. Then I would open up some presents and eat some cake. I would like to eat chocolate cake – or maybe ice cream cake with Chocolate Brownie Brownie Becket from JP licks. JP Licks is a very good ice cream shop close by my house. We can walk there. And my father is the Mayor – on Four Square. It is called Chocolate Brownie Brownie Becket either after my summer camp in the Berkshires or for Josh Becket, a Red Sox pitcher.

Go Dogs Go was written P.D. Eastman and I think he is a funny author good for children of young ages just learning how to read. I would strongly recommend it to kindergarteners and early first graders. But even thought I am in 3rd grade I still like to read it sometimes for good memories.

Signing off for now, Simon